Where's Waldo was the first Waldo video game. The product was loosely based on the book Where's Waldo?. The player's goal is to find Waldo in various pictures in order to progress through the game.
The pictures are still images the size of the screen in the "Easy" and "Practice" levels. In the "Medium" and "Hard" levels, the player has to scroll to the side to see the rest more of the area. The directional buttons control a magnifying glass and that must be placed over Waldo in order to "find" him and move to the next level and a new picture.
In the Practice level, there is no time limit, however only a select number of levels are open (the Train Station, Forest and The Cave). The time limit for the other levels varies: In Easy mode, the player has 959 seconds; in Medium mode, 659, and in Hard mode, 459. Each time the game is played Waldo moves to a new location in each scene.
There is a track that was found in the game cartridge that does not play in the game. Nobody know what the reason for this track being in the game is. The track only uses 2 sound channels and is the same 2 second loop repeated.